Life In Wales

By KarenC

Playing in Puddles (again)

Driving to work this morning the sky looked quite dramatic, and as I was early, I stopped on the seafront to take a few photos.  I noticed this puddle and as I enjoy playing in puddles, I crouched down to get some reflections.  I was only about 5 minutes and then I was back on my way to work.

I'm always first there on Mondays, and when I walked through the door it looked like we'd been ransacked - there was rubbish in the hallway and in the waiting room there were cupboards open and tools all over the place, and to top that, we had no internet connection!    I tidied the tools up, but didn't put them away as it was obvious Nik was in the middle of something - the only thing is, he normally isn't in the clinic on Mondays.

Maria arrived shortly after  and she said Nik was coming in and would be finishing the job he'd started yesterday.  The internet came back on but my computer was playing up so I've actually done very little today and it was soon 1pm and time to finish, so I left them to it.

I had to pop into Brighton to collect Scarlett's birthday present and then I went to the gym to use the pool.  I tried to swim, but it's impossible yet - they did say it would be about 3 months after surgery before I'd be able to swim, but I thought I'd try.  So instead I jogged up and down the pool for about 25 lengths and did my physio exercises before relaxing in the hot tub.

I'm glad I went but I feel drained again, and still wonder if I'm fighting something, think I'll have an early night.

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