Showdown at the Suet

I've been watching snippets of the Lance Armstrong interview with Oprah all morning on the sports shows. Depressing.

I watched every minute of his 7 straight Tour de France bike race victories, and that's a lot of couch potato TV time.

What a crock! What a sham! What a lie that man has lived. It's not so much that he was using...because probably most of the riders were doping.'s the way he vehemently denied any use...and the way he attacked other riders who tried to expose him. Shameful.

As some of you know...I used to work for the USPS...the United States Postal Service. We sponsored Lance and his team for many years. During the Tour...I would ride my bike home from work, rise up out of the saddle...and imagine leading Lance up the steepness of the Alps.

Now...I want him to pay back the 8 million dollars a year that the USPS paid him. Plus...if we gave him any stamps...I WANT THOSE BACK, TOO!!

I thought about him as I was watching this bird showdown. Lance had a pecking order...obviously with him at the top. Even the birds have a pecking order. The sparrow couldn't climb on because the woodpecker wouldn't let him. Seconds after I took this picture...a blue jay chased off the woodpecker.

Makes me wonder if the big blue jay was on steroids. Maybe one of my neighbors is crushing up testosterone pills into their seed. I'm thinking about launching an immediate investigation. let me down. I wanted to believe that you were above the you have a long way to crawl up from the depths. A bicycle bottom-feeder. Disgraceful. The only ones I feel sorry for are the thousands who have benefited from his cancer foundation Livestrong. This has probably desroyed their earning power. Hard to continue when your leader is the face of cheating. :( :( :(

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