I couldn't wait to get to Madera Canyon to try out my new lens. I didn't get up there until late afternoon, though, because a friend from church had fallen the day before, broke four ribs and was in the hospital. I've had experience with multiple fractured ribs and knew how bad it was for me. Joan is about 90 years old. Thirty years difference in age makes a big difference in the ability to heal.
The blip is a dark-eyed junco and the extra is a Bewick's wren. I really like the junco. Personality Plus! The wren's eye is not quite as sharp as I would like (I rate my bird photos on the sharpness and clarity of their eyes) but LBBs are always kind of twitchy. It kept hopping back and forth in the feeder driving me crazy.
I got up there just before the lodge closed at 4 pm and stayed as long as I could stand the cold. This time of year the sun has already set behind the canopy of the trees by then. I swear, I'm going to keep a box of "Madera Canyon" clothes in my trunk, including my photography gloves, hats and scarves for these last minute runs up to the mountains in the winter.
I took a lot of photos most of which I ended up deleting but I really like the new lens. It was the first time since my shoulder surgery that I took hand-held photos with my heavier camera and a heavier lens - with limited discomfort. Progress!
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