
It could be a great deal worse. Although it has snowed incessantly since early this morning there is only about six inches on the ground here. The wind has been blowing the flakes horizontally and the temperatures have been well below zero all day.

The birds have flocked to the feeders which I've topped up twice today. They all look happy and as yet I haven't seen any suffering from the inclement weather. Even the Woodpecker, although aware of my presence behind the window, thought it better to have a few more seeds rather than fly off in a hurry. It's not often he allows me time to focus before he disappears. I seem to have gained a couple more Robins who are all feeding together without squabbling.

I haven't attempted to move the car. Instead, the dogs had a walk around Silent Pool which looked stunning. I took the camera with me but ran out of battery before I could take anything serious. Instead here is my view of Home Farm from my bedroom window this morning.

I'm hoping all is well and none of my blipfriends are suffering too much. Stay safe and warm everyone!

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