Hoose Update

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

I expect you are wondering what is happening with the house purchase as I've been a bit quiet on the subject since before Xmas.

Well then. That is because everything practically shut down over the Xmas period. No lawyer, real estate agent, builder or council activity.

However, now they are slowly coming back to work. And here is what has happened:

- So we got back the builder report which said there might be weather proofing issues due to "moisture on one wall".

- The builder didn't seem too fussed, but our lawyer FREAKED OUT. "Red flag! Red flag!" is something she actually said out loud on the phone 

- So we went back to the real estate agent and said the vendors needed to investigate it and take remedial action.

- She did and they did and we have a report on the problem (which was minor) and the fix they did (which we sent to OUR builder and our lawyer).

- Meanwhile, brother-in-law Craig has been taking all of our financial data and getting the finances arranged with the bank and

- The bank have not yet signed off, but it is all looking promising.

So it looks like all systems go for moving next month. I thought the moisture issue might torpedo the whole deal, but now it just looks like 

- We need to agree a price reduction on some other minor fixes the house needs and 

- We need the council to issue their official valuation of the house and

- Organise cat transportation and removals 

Now you are as up to date as I am. I shall issue further bulletins as events warrant.


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