
By Cumbrialass

Wet Monday

Poured !  All in our wet weather gear but shortened our usual walk.. Fletchs raincoat kept his back and undercarriage dry but he was still wet enough for me to decide wash his legs which were quite muddy. 

We left him to snooze while we nipped in to town for a few things. Popped into M& S while we still can. They close at the end of March... M saw a winter jacket and decided to get it .. after March the impulse buys ( on the way to the food dept) will be no more !
On the way home I realised it was 4 pm and still daylight and the sun appeared for a short while. Finally it seems as if the dark nights are starting to draw back!  

It was so good to take out Fletch for his teatime walk in " not quite dark yet" although by the time we got back it was dark. 
My photo is of the view weve had on our walk every night for what seems like months. 

Fingers crossed that the horrible weather forecast for tomorrow isnt as bad as they predict.
Thank you so much for the stars and hearts! 

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