
By Cumbrialass

Another grey but mild day. I took out my camera for the 1 day 12 pics challenge, which I wish I should have done yesterday as the light was better. We took Fletch to one of his favourite walks round Abbey House  grounds. M couldn't understand why I was taking photos " you've already taken lots of photos. here already"... I pointed out that this comment reinforced the need to go out with my photo buddy and friend Flavia13 .who does understand why.. Hoping to meet up with her somewhere next week .

Spent the rest of the afternoon putting the photos into a collage and looking at possible ideas for our Big Project. I also had another look at this months project on Histograms ! 

Hair washed teas ready and Dr Who.. the jury's out so far
Ps.. photo is of Fletch on his favourite seat.. which we only sit on if it's hot as it's cool marble..  so its not often! But he always jumps up on it.. just in case.

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