Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Birthday boy

Caleb’s birthday today .......... 3 years old!

A day of opening presents through the day in a steady stream .........
Mummy and daddy presents included a bike .....
Nanny and grandad presents included transformer style robots .......
Lots of clothes, but in particular toys!
Reached that age where the labels say 3+ and it opens lots more fun things (particularly for the more mature males in the family). :)

At Caleb’s request, pizza for lunch (with parents, grandparents and aunts/uncles), followed by P*w Patr*l cake (the cake surround had stickers, which we were each presented one by Caleb and had to wear on our forehead - she extra). We did remember to remove said stickers before leaving the establishment :)

A very happy and lucky three year old today :)


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