
3.7C with a strong breeze from the South East. Complete covering of thin cloud.

Second day back on our usual route down the field and along the beach. The bales are still sitting on the two trailers near the bottom of the field. The others are still lined up near the path. Nothing has moved. All the way up the country road, down the field, and along the beach it felt raw in the wind. I picked the wrong gloves today !

One dog walker with two Spaniels and a big black dog was on the cycle path. He had just come up from the beach. Not another soul to be seen anywhere along the beach or at the Fishermen's huts. The tide was out further exposing a lot of the rocks either side of the channel the boats use at Westhaven. White topped waves were rolling in from the South East.

Flatter light again today with almost full cloud cover extending out to sea. Some brightness out towards the horizon. I hadn't intended to post seascapes all week, but it seems to be working out that way. If I had thought about it I might have taken all the shots from one spot, but it has been interesting to record the light over the water four days in a row. No promises for tomorrow, it might snow. Gloves weren't off long for shooting pictures and I was very glad to get them back on too. Maeve is neither up nor down in this sort of weather as long as it is dry.

It felt much less cold out of the wind walking the latter part of our route where we are much more sheltered from the wind back within the streets and houses.

Update: 4.50pm there is some blue sky out there! Just as it is getting dark !

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