
By Shutterup

Happy New Year

We had dinner with a friend last night... just the 5 of us and I drove home so pretty much alcohol free evening for me.  Good banter and quite a lot of good laughter.. a lovely way to start a new year.  
Today, however, started late enough for me to miss the sunrise... did the sun rise? It has been so dark all day as to suspect the sun had rather a good party last night and decided to glow from behind extra high tog duvet clouds today.  I was lucky enough to receive some vit D spray in my stocking at Christmas so l got a daily dose in the gloom.  
Glad to say Flossie seems to be ok today... last night after l went to bed she managed to find a 5 inch piece of salami and ate it in its entirety... apart from being super thirsty and a little sick after her breakfast this morning (we didnt spot the plastic wrapper until after feeding her) she appears to be ok.  I did ring the vet for reassurance and he said that the salt might cause a seizure as well as rather a sore tummy.  He told me there was nothing to be done other than keep my eyes on her... keep the water bowl(s) well filled and wait ... if she started shaking or behaving oddly then to bring her in... (fingers crossed) all ok so far!  Dogs!...really!!!
Happy New Year everyone..

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