Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Goodbye 2019!

JR is hobbling around, but mobile. Archie and I went up the hill and what a glorious morning it was too. Just like Christmas Day - no wind, so the 3° felt quite balmy. Loads of folk out and about. We made it to the top, where we could sit and admire the view. (Wide angle lens distortions).

Home in time for a big bath (Archie) and then a slow dander round to Black Ivy to meet Rufus and his mum for lunch. And a most pleasant time we had. I defied tradition and had a steak and ale pie instead of my usual fish and chips. And you know how you order something, but everyone else's meals look better? Well, that didn’t happen. My pie was very tasty, and I had loads of veges too.

Archie and Rufus were very well behaved, as usual, and there were a couple of other dogs there too. A wee (Christmas Pudding) G&T at home afterwards.

While I was up the hill this morning, I thought I might come up and watch the fireworks and try my low light iPhone lens. Which is odd, because I haven’t even been awake for the bells for decades... But maybe... 

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