Mono Monday: Week 310 .....

.... Low Key Portrait.

Sorry for yet another selfie  (see yesterday) .... but that was the MM theme for today after all!

Okay ... so maybe it didn't have to be a self portrait but I couldn't help myself!

As I promised waaaay back at the first December Mono Monday challenge I'm posting the other "secret weapon" that I have in my possession.  It's a real secret weapon ..... or actually hidden weapon.

This is a antique sword cane that was given to me 35+ years ago by my late uncle. He was an antique dealer.  I have treasured it ... but never actually used it as it's probably illegal to carry given that it has a hidden sword inside.  I have partially pulled out the sword so you can see it here. I have blipped it before.  It will now be returning to my closet for safe keeping.  

I have added an extra of a low key squirrel portrait that I processed earlier today just in case this selfie didn't work out to my satisfaction. As you can see it's been raining again today.  But at least it's not snow!

Note: I was hoping for a film noir look to this self portrait.... that's the reason for the hat.

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