
By Cumbrialass

Did someone say cheese?

Another lazy day . We decided not to get the car out as Fletch had been it enough..and our neighbour had parked extremely closely to our gate. Give her her due it is getting harder and harder to park as nearly everybody has 2 vehicles! 

So another local walk.. but pleasant as it was mild and no wind. 
Got the rota for our archery club sorted .. I managed to accommodate everybodys preferences for dates. I hope. 

My old college friend in Teeside phoned  and we had a lovely long chat. Our plan is to meet up next year. We almost made it last year but a road accident leading to the road being closed just  a mile from where we were going to meet up prevented it 

Hoping for an interesting blip meant I never took a photo all day. So this is Fletch,  trying to look like he isn't actually looking while we have some cheese and crackers for supper. 

The forecast is good for tomorrow, so weather permitting and neighbours parking permitting we shall go a little further tomorrow.. with my "real camera" as M calls it.

Thank you for the stars. 

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