The Fading Year

A last day with Charlotte before she heads back to Germany, and we had a lovely walk around Westonbirt. I'd gifted her my old 7D and all the EFS lenses for Christmas, and she enjoyed taking better pictures than her old man... She had a Blip account a while ago and it may be that - once she finds the right connectors for her new MacBook - she may blip again.

Anyhow, I couldn't decide on today's blip and toggled between this lovely fading Hydrangea and the funky mushroom we managed not to step on. Having plenty of extras still remaining, I went with both.

It was delightful: When I got up this morning there was something in the air; an energy flowing... call me mad or accept me for the disgraceful old Druid I am, but the day was already feeling post-Solstice and the soil beneath my feet, the birds singing in the holly tree (now bereft of berries), the very air heralded impending spring.

We are, of course, not yet into January much least the second week thereof - renown for beastly cold ice and snow... But you get how I felt. Akin perhaps to how your own spiritual traditions move you. May it be so.

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