Extreme Tea bag jenga

Amusement in our household comes in many forms.

Currently, it is the delicate and careful stacking of teabags into a structure that is quickly turning into a tower. I 'accidentally' got rid of one of these last weekend, but now Corin has started another one, I cannot bring myself to destroy his emerging tea bag architectural masterpiece.

Tonight I arrived home and Corin showed me a new tool that he had acquired - a collapsible shovel/spade. Upon inspection, it appears that it is very sturdy - in fact I was informed that it would be a useful tool with which to hit someone over the head and then dig the hole to put them in - therefore making it a multipurpose item. James and Corin have now dubbed it the "Murder Spade".

Fortunately the ground is too hard to dig a Hebs sized hole tonight with the frost, so despite my horrible demeanour, I think I am safe.

I would say that 24 hours of drugs regime indicates success in that I was rendered unconscious last night, so I got some rest. I had my naproxen and paracetamol during the day - it kept the worst of it at bay. I have had my nighttime dosage of various stuff and my eyes are on the wane...

So I am off to bed.

Sleep tight peeps.


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