Brotherly Love

Billy and George adore each other, and at 12 years of age, still spend a large portion of their day wrapped around each other. They are so sweet- and a good message to send out to the world to love those around you!

Frida is exhausted!
Jill, Frida and I walked up Mt Iron before breakfast. (Anyone who knows me, will know that me walking before breakfast is most unusual!). Then after breakfast, Frida and I walked with a friend of mine from Christchurch and her daughter, who is out from London, along the Millennium Track for an hour.
Then tonight, she met up with her Labrador boyfriend , Reba, for an evening stroll and then a very vigorous game of chase on our lawn for another 20 minutes.
I’m pleased to report that Frida is asleep, and so are Billy and George- still wrapped in each other’s arms!

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