I think we had 17 for Christmas brunch today. WAY too much food, and my job as the bacon and gravy man went well.

My two Christmas wood projects that I had on display were quickly claimed by my daughter Karen, and she just texted me a picture of one of them over her mantel.

I shrunk Merrick down to stand next to our 5 pound 15 year old chihuahua. Niya is standing behind a snowman and a dog that plays Jingle Bells. When no one is around...you turn it on...and Niya just howls along with it. Today...with a crowd...she got stage fright, with not even a peep out of her. (I'm thinking about putting her to bed without supper.)

As a former mailman, I always enjoyed all the holidays that we used to get to celebrate, but I especially miss my mama on Christmas Day. It just isn't the same without her, but hey...life goes on.

Merry Christmas to all my Blip friends.

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