Ranger Again

I've taken many pictures of Ranger the hurt hawk at Kensington Park, and I think I've blipped him a couple of times. But...those eyes...he had me in a hawk spell.

Ranger was chillin today, along with a lot of people out hiking. I think our high temperature was 58F today, with a lot of sunshine. Not very usual for this time of year, and it brought out the trekkers.

I'm not a weather forecaster,
and I don't give weather reports.
But, today I hit the metro park...
in a long t-shirt and shorts. WOO-HOO!

I did have a downy woodpecker eating out of my hand, but I didn't get a picture. But, a hand-eating winged chickadee, and a pair of draft horses ready to pull a hayride did make my Extras.

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