Creadigol ~ Creative
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Aethon ni i'r dre am frecwast ac yn ymweld ag ychydig o siopa. Yr uchafbwynt oedd 'Cardiff Creative', siop fawr yn llawn gyda gwaith crefft ar werth. Mae'r siop yn y canolfan siopau 'Dewi Sant'. Fel arfer mae dim ond siopau cadwyn yna, yr un peth fel unrhywle arall. Felly roedd e'n ddiddorol iawn i weld gwaith unigryw. Rydyn ni'n gobeithio y byddan nhw'n llwyddiannus ac yn gallu aros yn y Ganolfan.
Ar ôl siopa yn y dre, aethon ni i bentref yr Eglwys Newydd am ychydig o bethau, yn arbennig i 'Iechyd Da' y siop eco-gyfeillgar. O'r diwedd roedd rhaid i ni fynd i Tesco am y siopa olaf cyn Nadolig. Ond... Rydyn ni wedi anghofio ychydig o bethau, felly roedd rhaid i mi gerdded yn ôl i'r pentref.
Yn y noson treulion ni ein hamser yn gorffen mobiles i Sam a Zoe. Aethon ni i wely ar ôl un yn y bore.
Roedd hi'n ddiwrnod creadigol.
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We went to town for breakfast and did some shopping. The highlight was 'Cardiff Creative', a large shop filled with crafts for sale. The shop is in the 'St David's' shopping center. There are usually just chain stores there, just like anywhere else. So it was really interesting to see some unique work. We hope they are successful and can stay at the Center.
After shopping in town, we went to Whitchurch village for a few things, especially to the eco-friendly shop 'Iechyd Da'. Final we had to go to Tesco for the last shop before Christmas. But ... We forgot a few things, so I had to walk back to the village.
In the evening we spent our time finishing mobiles for Sam and Zoe. We went to bed after one in the morning.
It was a creative day.
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