Bringing Home the Bacon

In another century I would have had to kill the pig and butcher it in order to make these ‘pigs in blankets’. In another century this would have seemed a normal thing to do. I doubt there were very many vegetarians then, but had I had to do the slaughtering business myself today, I certainly would be a vegetarian.

However it is all so sanitised now and removed from reality that I can pretend these tasty morsels have arrived by a miracle of science. All I had to do to bring back the bacon was hike for 30minutes and deliver some coins to someone who had performed the dirty work for me.
I’m not at all proud of my role in this deception, but ...........gosh they will taste good and their origin has nothing on the decapitated legless turkey which also made it back to the Dower House. (I was going to say in one piece, but obviously with no head and no legs it cannot be described as in one piece.)

At least the soup is vegetarian- spicy butternut squash and apple - and made ahead of time. I’m getting there with a list of things to remember like the roast potatoes and the roast parsnips. Dear Old Auntie Bessie has the right idea now that HL is not available for his cordon blue roast tattles, but it can be all too easy to overlook them on the big day, as I know to my cost.
As it’s Grandson Ewan’s 6th Birthday today, I have include an extra of him getting to grips with the books I gave him for his birthday. The poor lad is snowed under with presents from his birthday party, his birthday and the presents which Santa will deliver tomorrow.
I’ve suggested to my Glasgow daughter that she should secrete some of them and bring them out in the summer at an unofficial birthday to be determined.

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