It’s panto time!

It’s that time of year again. Oh yes it is!

Every year I take the daughters and grandchildren to the panto in Whitley Bay. It’s only 10 minutes’ from #2 daughter’s house so we walk down. Thomas and James had already seen it with the school as their group had earned most points doing whatever they get points for. I thought they might be restive, having seen it already, but no, they were excited to be going with their cousins.

In fact this year it was a great show - even the adults enjoyed it. James was beside himself shouting out during the show. They all got a lot of the jokes and had a great time joining in. Nathaniel was almost crying with laughter. and Ella was excited as one of the women from the Chimneysweep Theatre club she goes to in the holidays was in it.

During the interval one of the staff came and asked Nathaniel, who was conveniently at the end of the row, if he’d like to go up on the stage with the local actor Steve Walls, who is in the panto every year. I was surprised when he said yes. He and 3 other children went up at the appointed time. He was asked his name, age, (5) if he was married (not yet) and who he’d come with. When he started the long list of us, getting as far as mummy, Granny, Auntie, his sister, the actor interrupted and said ‘Oh you’ve come with the rest of the audience “. They all got a go individually to do some dance moves and sing - he was so composed and enjoyed doing it. He got a goody bag which he shared with Ella and his cousins.

For the last few days I have had a raspy phlegmy throat and blocked nose. It’s an Agatha night - G&T and an Agatha Christie, my comfort reading when a bit poorly.

The blip is a Steve Walls with Thomas, Nathaniel, Ella and James, at the end of the Panto.

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