All the greys

I have finally got all my Christmas Shopping AND wrapping done now so I was able to clear all the wrapping paraphernalia out of the dining room and have a bit of a tidy up which felt great.

I then headed down to Saltdean to walk Bella, meet Karen to deliver a few Pebbles I painted for her grand children and pick up some dog food I bought on Market place. The journey down was interesting with traffic and flooding everywhere. Someone actually broke down right next to me as they tried to drive through a flood, while I sensibly waited to mount the pavement! Its such an expensive mistake to think you can take your car through a river!!!!

Bella had a great time on the beach, running round like a crazy chicken, I really enjoyed my hot chocolate and was proud of myself for managing to sit in the cafe alone and enjoyed Karens company for a while.

This evening Mr W has tried to fix the dishwasher and the washing machine that decided to stop draining and he thought he would turn the Dyson into a wet and dry hoover and almost pull the dishwasher door off!!!I have suggested we wait for the repair man!!!! He kindly agreed!!

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