Growing old disgracefully



Have been longing for a return to normal energy levels since the depletion caused by the flu and the retreat. So I was delighted when I sprang into life at 5 am this morning, caught up with correspondence, balanced the books, researched accomodation for our September break, had a spell of sitting meditation and yoga before the Prof had made breakfast. Then I gave the blackies their morning porridge and filled the bird feeders before catching this image of the sunrise (8.36am in these airts this morning).

We are trying to identify the difference between the two male blackbirds that haunt our deck. They look so alike, but one is definitely cheekier than the other. He almost attacked me as I came out this morning with their porridge. His highwayman approach has earned him the nickname Dick Turpin. I am amused by how he and the other male blackie spend so much time chasing each other that they don't notice the thrushand the robin having their fill.

Then off to Glasgow with the Prof to have coffee in Princes Square and visit the Art Store for some supplies I needed. Lunch at Bobbins, phone calls from clients, a blether with Big Brother and I realised at 3 pm I had peaked too soon and had to have an afternoon nap. Woken by the phone, I couldn't remember my name, so it was just as well that it was only the VIPs mum, to tell us the news a out enrolling him in school. Seems like yesterday he was a wee scrap you could hold in one hand, but in 7 short months he will start school. Had a wee blub.

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