A Trendy Pensioner

I met up with one very trendy, home grown Pensioner this morning for 2 hours of chat and entertainment with the proviso that no politics were discussed, and they weren’t .......... well maybe only by passing innuendo......

Before that, I had a walk round the policies only to discover when I was nearly home that my favourite beanie had fallen out of my pocket which meant a retracing of my steps to see if I could find it. Miraculously there it was, yards from home , carefully placed on a railing. It was quite a relief to know I didn’t have another one to knit as a replacement.

Instead of dealing with a table full of presents to wrap, I whiled away most of the afternoon drinking coffee in the Travelling Basket with one of my book group and admiring all the lovely Polish Pottery, baskets, woollen rugs and sheepskin slippers.

A very lazy day in the middle of the surrounding hubbub of Christmas madness.

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