It's beginning to look a lot like
Today I went to London for the day, a very very very long day. It was meant to be our team Christmas lunch but it was cancelled. I'd bought a changeable train ticket which, when it came to it, wasn't. I'm too tight to lose £75 so I went anyway.
I started by walking to Shoreditch from St Pancras, went to Spitalfields and then over to the West End. I worked in Spitalfields when it was a working wholesale fruit and veg market. Its now full of expensive retailers and restaurants. The market pub next to our bank used to open at 7am for the market traders. Its now a very posh bar.
I did 31,000 steps and couldn't wait to get home. I've been in denial over Christmas so far (it's too bloody early) but I think I'm starting to warm to the idea now.
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