secret garden

By freespiral


A bitterly cold morning with some impressive frost but now strange clouds have rolled in and I reckon we're in for a deluge tomorrow. Extra is the frosty bits on our outside table.

An odd day. Poor HImself woke up with severe vertigo and has been confined, somewhat grumpily it has to be said, to the bed.  He's had this before but not for a while so hoped it had resolved itself. So frustrating for you feel terrible and can do nothing.

More frustration as I've just realised four of my Christmas parcels have gone astray! One was supposedly delivered today but wasn't, and I was in at the time. Two others have vanished and I have refunds but replacements are unlikely to be here before Christmas. And one has gone awol. Grrr. 

Yet, we'll all survive and it will be grand! Really you just need to be able to get up in the morning and marvel at a view like this don't you.

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