The Rain Song

My Dear Fellows and Dear Princess Normal,

I was listening to "The Song Remains The Same" from "Houses of the Holy" when I noticed how pishing with rain it was. 

Quick! Quick! Skip forward a track.

"It is the springtime of my loving," said Robert Plant. 

Ahhh, that's better. 

So I got home tonight to find that Caro was busy wheeler-dealing to put in an offer on a house. Hang on a minute...

This house.

It seems like a slightly simpler system to put in offers here, but honestly my head was still swimming from work, and anyway, Caro seemed to have it all in hand.

As you know, I am not over-optimistic on getting the house, but that is quite all right. I think if they accepted our offer I would shit a brick and panic. So you can look forward to that. We'll know by mid-January, I think.

Financing could be the problematic thing. Despite the fact that I've been making a decent wage since October 2017, it isn't two FINANCIAL years yet ferfuxake. So I'm going to have to provide three years of financials from the UK. Annoying. 

On the plus side, I cashed some dividend cheques from Standard Life today. I would like to thank Mad Dog and the Princess for their continued efforts on my behalf.


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