
By LifeLines


An okay day. The road to work was free running for a Monday morning, it didn't rain all day and I got a walk at lunchtime.  The pond is so full it is overflowing - something that doesn't happen too often.  

Later in the day things got a little frustrating - Merlin has for the second time in a month broken in to the bread bin and eaten half a loaf of bread.  Hopefully he will be okay (he hasn't been given any dinner) and we will be getting a new bread bin (we thought we had fixed the issue previously by putting a magnetic strip on the door).  Also the kitchen rejig that we thought shouldn't cost an arm and a leg is getting more expensive each time we looking in to it - time for a rethink!  Minor niggles but I thought I would pop out for an evening walk around the village to get some fresh air.  My blip is Christmas lights on a hedge in a front garden on the high street.  Its come out rather blurry but that rather sums up how I am feeling. Time for a bath and bed!

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