A New Day

By ANewDay

Bath Attack

Cold, wet day and hips aching, so decided to have a bath to relax them.  We have a jacuzzi bath which I've only used once since we've been here as I prefer a shower.  Started to fill the bath via the taps and was suddenly drenched by a jet of water as the shower head became active all on its own!  No idea how this happened as I hadn't touched it, but the first ten minutes of my "relaxing" experience were spent mopping up the floor etc.

Eventually filled the bath, got in and turned on the jacuzzi jets and enjoyed the gentle pressure.  This is nice, I thought - why haven't I used it more often?  The answer came when I tried to get out again.  Deep slippery bath, arthritic hips and no handles made it a very stressful exit:-)    I'll stick to my shower in future!!

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