Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

Now for something totally different

I am out tonight on a brief business trip and so decided to blip something business-like. We had sushi for dinner and one of the people joining us from a partner company decided to order a bottle of sake for all of us. No problem except that he chose one of the most expensive ones on the menu. Urrrggggghhhhhhh! Just keep saying "Remember, the partner is always right" through clenched teeth. I figured that we are ponying up for a fancy bottle of Sake and so I might as well blip it.

I had a limited quantity of the sake and found it good, but I am not sure if it was good enough to justify the price. All that being said, it was an enjoyable dinner, but now I have a big expense to submit.

It is quite late as I am posting this and so I do not have the energy for my usual commentary on composition. Regardless, I hope that you like the shot! I also considered posting this rather nice night scene, but decided that I had sushi and sake on my mind and wanted to post something other than a landscape.

One final note, I have been a bit behind on commenting as of late. I will catch up shortly.

Basic saturation, contrast, brightness and white balance.
Noise Ninja for noise reduction (shot with G10 at relatively high ISO)
Used different RAW settings to reduce candle brightness and combined with original image using masks

Constructive criticism always welcome.

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