Telegram For Mungo

Lol I was just trying to think of a title for this shot when I remembered one of my all time fave/funny movies "Blazing Saddles" and one of the scenes was when the big brute mungo received his Telegram which blew up in his face lol , anyhow it's not often you still get intact telegraph poles still in situ on old abandoned railway lines nowadays but I have been meaning to blip this shot for a while I was hoping that some of the shrubbery would have been out the way so I could have got a shot of at least five of the poles together but I suppose after closing some 45 years ago you kinda expect it to be slightly overgrown this was the Balerno Branch which cut off just after Slateford and came back out on the main line at Ravelrig Junction between Curriehill and Kirknewton near Kaimes the branch served a lot of the mills that Traversed The Water Of Leith back in the day you can still walk virtually from Balarno to Leith except from Balerno to Ravelrig section which is where I took this shot from which has some dense undergrowth on the trackbed which I soon found out but very surprised at how many Poles are still standing which is nice so this is my blip for the day of The Telegraph Poles on the Balerno Branch with a hint of Sepia added to give it the old time effect, on another note I was Interviewed over the phone by the Dunfermline Press regarding my photos in the see us competition so you may see my ugly mug in it as I had to e-mail them my mug shot haha, will hopefully get around to commenting its a little hectic these days but will make an effort so apologies again folks

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