Reflecting some more

It's been a strange week, and today being the election hasn't made it any less strange. I voted by post ages ago, but I checked in to see the state of play at the local polling station that I would use if I were to vote in person (have never done so since moving to Scotland in 2005...). Four boards outside, but no tellers. One obvious party missing.... And literally no one, apart from the polling clerks and one bloke who seemed to be part of the church, who assured me it had been brisk earlier on. Well, indeed. When I popped out again later I walked back along the same road and there were still no tellers, but there were two blokes with clipboards from Save Leith Walk asking for people's support for the community buy out of Stead's Place. I used to be rather supportive of Save Leith Walk, but since they undermined Projekt 42's change of use planning application I've reassessed my views. So when I put this point to the man with a clipboard he could only apologise and didn't ask me to sign his petition.

The other strangeness is not going to work. I should have gone to a lecture and a dinner this evening, but I cancelled as I was full of snot again this morning, and it hasn't got much better as the day has gone on. I'm not *that* ill, but since I increasingly look askance at people who go on trains or go to lectures when sneezing and coughing, I thought I ought to follow my own strictures and work at home again. Plus, Mr A was nagging me. However, I have to go in tomorrow morning (however little sleep I get) as I'm interviewing. I obviously wasn't concentrating when I set the interviews for tomorrow morning. As I'm not that ill, I did pop out a couple of times. Fresh air seems to help, but I still sound like an express train and I've still been coughing and sneezing plentifully through the day.

Hey ho. Hopefully I'll feel better at the weekend and will be fit for polite company.

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