Another One Bites The Dust

PD arrived and wanted a walk.
In this weather? ……………….. It is freaking freezing!
It is surprising how quickly we get used to hot weather -- and scary how long it takes to adjust to cold.

This is a tree which was planted in ground which is not suitable to anything but the occasional weed. The pool of water that it stands in (winter or summer) pays testament to that and the fugi growing on the trunk point to its current state  ….. ie - dead! --drowned!

I am most  of the way through processing the holiday snaps. When I am - I will be able to get on with the proper back blipping (just as well I took notes as I went along).

Camera club was a 'fun night' with snacks and drinks, chat and a quiz. Our team came 2nd by half a point …. to one which had double the number of participants.
I went to make myself a coffee and came back in time to find one of the girls 'trying' to take pictures with my camera.
I don't always start the practical jokes ………. but I will finish them!
Her out of focus and blurry shots have been posted on the club page - along with the ones of her pulling angry and daft faces which I took.
I did tell her I would do it …. and that I make promises, not threats.
Tee Hee!

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