Lovely weather today, 7 degrees warm, almost sunny and a bit windy. A day as good as any for 4 km of jogging. Usually I follow the same track, but it's always a different experience.
Someone at the council must have had some new duties at work since there's a wave of pruning trees going on here on the Island. Probably it has to do with all the sick trees here, it's important to remove the bad trees or branches before they cause accidents. Along the street close to my home they have pruned all of the trees along the road, letting a lot of light in for the people living here. It looks a bit hard on them just now but they will be beautiful in a couple of years.
A photographer was here today to take pictures for the selling of the farm. On Wednesday someone is going to investigate the condition of the main building in detail, checking roof, foundation and it general state. It reminds me that my time here is running out and leaves me feeling a bit stressed. I can stay for another six months and still have a good feeling about finding something else to live in.
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