The Last Leg

Arrived in Male and before I got halfway down the steps from the plane the sweat had broken out …..... Whooppee! ……. 30C and humidity at nearly 100% due to the storm that had not long passed through.
Getting through the system and onto the (much smaller) plane was a bit of a nightmare …… complete chaos with nobody seeming to know what they were meant to be doing (including the staff) and a tannoy system that that was impossible to hear or understand.
Why is it that the Brits are the only ones that know what a queue is?

A 20 minute flight and then a very short boat ride and we had finally arrived …….. Holiday Island - The Maldives.

Walking along the jetty (which sticks 400yds into the shallow lagoon) to the resort's reception we saw a Stingray drifting by …… and then a Heron standing on the beach at the water's edge. I whipped the camera out and got off two or three shots as it went for a fish and flew off. It wasn't until I looked at the pictures to see if it had caught anything (which it had) that I noticed the two small Black Tipped Reef Sharks trying to catch the Heron.

After being greeted with a refreshing drink and being taken to our room/chalet/call it what you will SWMBO went for a bit of a lie down with a bit of a headache. I opened to back door, stepped onto the beach and went for a bit of a wander up the beach. I also took a couple of shots of the building storm (that explains the headache)…….. then sat on the veranda and listened to the torrential rain - very relaxing. I had to resort to using flash to try and see the rain since the sun had gone down.
Just before bed the thunder and lightning arrived but I was way too tired to try and photograph it. 

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