Night Owl

It has been a day for staying inside.
Wet & windy ……….. very windy!   Rubbish bins being blown along the street windy.

This afternoon the council said that bins should not be put out the night before collection on windy days (but before 7am).
They are a bit late with that little gem.
They also didn't collect the bins in Bags' street at all. I hate to think what sort of state the street is in now.

The only pictures I took today were of the burnt pot and its three designs I did yesterday. They start Here and show the full shape.
Now all I have to do is put a finish on it.

Camera club competition this evening ……….. good grief the man can talk!
He was consistent in his comments and marks with the prints but kind of lost it with the projected images.
What he was consistent with was his insistence that you cannot have white (or close to it) or dark shadows/blacks (as in a silhouette) in an image, people must be looking at the camera lens and you can have no 'negative space' …… everything has to be cropped right to the edge of the frame.

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