Doggie Kisses

We went to see Karen today to take her our for lunch while she recovers from shoulder surgery. Sadly the weather was dreadful so I wasn't able to walk Fluffy Legs very far along the Undercliff which was a shame as she loves it there normally.

After a lovely light lunch, we went back to Karen's for a cuppa. Bella took it upon herself to guard the biscuits from Bobby and Milou. She obviously thought if she wasn't allowed one, then nor were they!!! Little monkey!! She had a nice time playing with the boys who looked pleased to see her.

While I was gone, Mr W did all his Christmas wrapping. No labels, ribbons or bows but some impressive gift coverage. He spends alot of time disguising gifts. I just hope when Sam opens his gift, he won't think he's been given a revolving dog paw washer!! But I can't wait to see his face!!!

Then it was a nice quiet evening of Celebrity Jungle while Mr W was out and Bella slept off her excitement of the day.

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