The ever efficient back room staff

Or more like the front of house staff.

The alarm next to my bed is set for a rather 'alarming' 5:59. Most people kind of shriek slightly when I tell them this. This morning, the morning which I really need be awoken at this precise time, I suddenly realised that my alarm had been switched off, by myself. It was 6:23. Zoiks, I normally leave the house in 17 minutes.

So no shower, no breakfast, I thought I'd better get dressed though.

Into work thankfully. Reports came through from the house that Madame and the #1son had made scones, he wanted no dinner, straight to dessert please. Then Madame and the #1son were at the duck pond. When I got home after work and the swimming with the girls, Madame had made some of the most delicious lasagne I have ever eaten with aubergines and smoked cheese. If I had a hat on, I would be taking it off to her right now.

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