Revealed at last

After several weeks waiting, I finally opted for a new camera with my victorious vouchers. I received it on Wednesday, I switched it on yesterday and I still haven't had the time to actually take any photos with it. I rather suspect the transition to the (not terribly although it is) new (for me) camera will take some time, pondering memory cards and the like. Not so much a radical upgrade, but more a gentle upgrade from a 7 year old camera to a 2 year old model.

The main reason I opted for this is the video functionality, something which I think I would like to work on, ahem time permitting.

As an aside, I was quite sad to hear of the demise of Jessops, a shop where I bought my first two cameras and multiple accessories. I guess it is a sign of the times, if we want high street stores to remain, we will have to support them and sadly I didn't.

One other rather strange thing which has happened in our household recently is the #1son's wearing of sunglasses. Ok so we like to think ourselves as being rather chic but #1son is now parading round constantly with his sunglasses up on his forehead and today I worked out the reason why. It is something to do with a Korean dude who had a few views on youtube. I think this will need to be captured for posterity,

Madame, bravely spent about six hours in the garden today and then a good 90 minutes in a very hot bath. 'Super Maman' we all chanted, such is our tradition.

Now we are going to watch a film starring amongst others, her mother no less.

A bitterly cold.

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