Bath time :)

Work - sorted budget and am amazed how productive I can be in an hr! Learnt some excel tricks - super excited about it! Ha I'm such a geek!
Then collected melody - but grizzly but her toe is looking better
We had fajita for dinner - lush but melody played with it and didn't each much - she ate some but I think that's because she helped me prep it (I chopped she put in the pan!) and grabbed handfuls to munch and then put back in! Luckily mike and I aren't squeamish about family germs! Melody keeps doing this open mouthed face at at us! Like a silent edvard munch scream - she thinks she's hilarious! Obv her dads humour! She also giggles when she farts and tries hard to push them out! That's her dad too!
Still have guinea pigs as I got date wrong and we are having for two weeks not one! Shock! I used up all the stuff!
Pic is melody in the bath - playing with her Xmas bath seals! So cute (thanks Mary!)
Bought dan shay and my sis in law Manda a massage - Mandy (my bestie) bought me one and it was lush - and my sis in law having a hard time atm and dan and shay and I always take turns in massage and tickling so I thought they'd appreciate a proper one

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