The rest of forever...

By DrMac

The White Stuff

It fell through the night and when the 4.45am alarm went off the girls and I enjoyed our morning walk in the dark but in the snow. My egg white omelette with spinach was washed down with lots of tea and once the girls were tucked up outside in their kennel I headed to the gym. It was nice to be back in the old routine.

It was great to be back at school and see everyone, catching up on the news and getting down to some work at long last. A couple of lesson observations, a couple of meetings, time with students and then, as the snow started falling from about 11am, deciding if we could keep school open. We could, but after school activities and a drama performance scheduled for tonight all had to be cancelled. I left at 4pm, positively early for me, popping to the Post Office and then quickly home to the hounds. FT with you, such a nice surprise, and then out for our walk. Which was eventful.

Lottie spotted a cat and made chase, taking her in to the farm and close to the main house...where I think she bumped in to their doberman. I'm not sure, I couldn't see, but much barking then resulted in Lottie screaming...I gave my best cross shouty voice to end the chaos and she limped back. She didn't seem to injured but she gave an oscar performance on the walk home, dragging her poorly paws so much so that I ended up carrying her - she weighs a tonne! When we got back there was clearly nothing broken and no blood so I can only guess she just got a bit of a fright - she had a cuddle and some tea and since then she and Pippa have been snoring their heads off in their big bed. I think their first day back outside in the kennel, even though the hen lamp was on, has taken it out of them both!

So, dinner has been eaten and now it's time for a little work before an early bed time. I need to be tucked up by 9pm to make sure tomorrow morning's alarm isn't a surprise!

PS. This was on the window sill - a floating slither of snow and cool!!

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