The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Never work with children and churches

I don't think that is quite the saying but...humour me...

Body woke at 5.45am. Read. Woke the girls at 7am for a walk before breakfast, granola baking, food packing for tomorrow and FT with you. Spent the next few hours catching up on emails and work stuff, updating the blog and posting stuff on twitter. Showered and put on relatively posh clothes and drove to the church - Dunham Bridge is closed so it took over an hour to get there. Bonkers.

So Freya got christened. She is a bit big at 11 for a dunking so she just got dripped on by the nice lady vicar. The nice lady who had to talk over Riley and Arlo for the entire service. It was bloody hilarious. Riley was talking cars and Mummy and Arlo was either quiet - being breast fed - or screaming. I'm not very good at calming screaming bairns. Anyway, quote of the service came from Riley:

"My car doesn't have a roof. And it's raining. What on earth am I going to do?"

Quality entertainment. Back to Debbie's house for tea and a monstrous spread - they know how to produce food for the troops. Said goodbye to Chloe and Matthew who are off overseas on Tuesday. Debs will miss her - must book in extra coffee time with her over the next few weeks. Came home, FT you, walked the dogs, now dinner and ironing. Got venison burgers for dinner - yum.

Sleep tight you. Have a good week, hope we can catch up in the week some time in the ungodly

PS. If anyone could home a hormonal brown pointer bitch for a week I'd be grateful. Pippa is driving Lottie and I mental. Bloody hormones!

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