Santas Little Helper

I started the Christmas wrapping today. Fluffy Legs had a great time helping me and made a fabulous mess!

She's the most amazing poser when I stick things on her head and Daughter Number 2 asked if this shot was photoshopped!!!!

Later on I took her on a new walk in Outwood which was lovely and I tried a new paw washing contraption that I was able to use in the boot of my car so she was clean and nearly dry by the time we got home.

Had a phone call from Daughter Number 1 to say she's quit her new job after 4 days. It was causing her too much anxiety and the feeling in the office wasn't helping.

We had take away for dinner and Mr W was tucking into a nice cold beer when he suddenly realised he was supposed to be playing a nice quiet evening it is then!!

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