today's another day

By dbrereton


It's 19 years today since my mum left us. She was keen to catch up with dad maybe...

In the 11 hours between us telling her that he'd gone and her leaving us, I've often wondered if I should have done things differently.

The vicar, Paula, stayed with her in hospital for some of that night, but it should have been us. Me and my sister maybe. I don"t know and I cant change it but we had an undertaker to meet back at home. There's no manual for this kind of stuff.

Anyway, it doesn"t matter, and certainly doesn't matter now.

This picture from the same roll as yesterday's of dad. So 1968, new home, just married, pre children. New built home but by the looks of it not yet too many possessions. But an iron and ironing board, something that would never have troubled my dad.

Mum was the strong woman behind my dad, enabling him to do what he wanted.

She was 5ft at best, a primary school teacher till retirement. Sadly only 58 when she left us.

It would have been lovely if they had made it to that double room at the hospice for their final days to be together but was not to be.

All the time he had mesothelioma she was struggling with her illness much more. Such strength.

I miss her.

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