
By DrSandy

The fake 21st

It was a busy Saturday...

Gym-med first thing in the morning : PUMP then zumba.
Drove to Springs.
Helped Mom, finish her desserts.
Then dropped Mom off, at the Icing Club's Christmas party.

I did sneak a look inside. The tables, had been decorated by Sally and they looked, amazing.   See the extras.

And then headed for the farm, for Jessica's fake 21st birthday party.

Fake ?

She is NOT turning 21.  In fact, the big event happens 6 months from now, her actual birthday is in May. 

The reason for the party, is she going to America, in January, as an au pair,  so she, will not be in South Africa, when she turns 21.   Hence the party ........ I think, it is BAD KARMA.

Now, to be absolutely honest, I did not want to go, but was "pressurized" to put in an appearance.  The problem,  the official start time, was 4 pm.

The trouble with 4 pm, until late....... is for me to get back to Springs, I have to drive past the squatter camp.  Something, I was not to keen on doing, in the dark, in a car, that is 100 years old.  Okay, it's not 100 years old, but it is not, a spring chicken. 

So I had agreed, to come early and leave early i.e. leave before it was dark, so that I could get back to Springs, when it was still, light.

So there I was, at 2 pm, with my costume underneath...... it was a swimming party, I thought I might have a dip, while it was still hot.  By 4 pm, it would be TOO COLD, for me, to contemplate swimming.

When I arrived, there was no sign of the "birthday" girl or Caitlyn, instead, there was Karen, in the big tent, with pretty much nothing, set up.  

Since swimming alone, is not much fun.  And,  setting up a party alone, is also not much fun. I decided to help.........

I blew up balloons, unpacked the food, carted things up and down.

At 4 pm, the birthday girl, breezed in.  Along with a myriad of guests and the party began.

During all of this time, I had NOTHING to eat and had to drink water, there were no "diet" cold drinks.  Everything on offer, was FULL OF SUGAR.   I DO NOT, DO SUGAR !  EVER !  And my family, know this.  I was really irritated. 

The extras, show the tent and the birthday girl.

I stayed until 5.40 pm and then made the dash back, to Springs. 

En route, the car did  wobble..........

I am not kidding.  Along the back road, in the middle of nowhere,  it suddenly lost power. I freaked. Thankfully, it recovered.  

To add, insult to injury, the storm of all storms, was brewing !

And I was driving INTO IT.

I got home, around 6. 30 pm, just as the storm broke .........

GRATEFUL to be ALIVE !   And starving !

Breakfast, followed by 2 hours of gym and then NOTHING.  Eish ! 

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