
By DrSandy

Winter wonderland in SUMMER

It does look a bit like frost........... but it's not, just heavy dew.

The world really looked amazing, this morning, as I headed to gym.  Took this shot, walking into the gym.......around 6.10.

Unfortunately, when I got into the courtyard, amazing and wonderful, where not the words, that came to mind.



The remnant from the refurbishment of the cafe tables, has been taken away, so my morning reading sessions, are not going to be quite as marvelous, as they have been.

It's not that there isn't somewhere to sit.  There is.  The problem, is thanks to their positioning, the sun has a habit of creating glare on the computer screen.  It makes reading a lot more challenging.

And since, this morning was quite wet.... finding a dry spot, to put me and the computer, was also a tad challenging.  Since going INSIDE is NOT an option, I perched myself, on the corner of the one table, that was not wet and READ.

Today's read............... a journal article on vertigo, calcium phosphate and bad body chemistry.  Pretty cool !

At 8 am, I headed for STEP.  Loved it.  Then, there was zen-pilates.  Loved that too.  Then home and work etc.

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