
By Dollykgray


We have to make the decision about our trip to Australia sometime this week. Hubby rang the Rehab place this morning to see if they could shed some light on waiting times. They haven't received my paperwork so all  they could tell us was that there were no single rooms available until March. (I definitely need a single room to be able to sleep properly). This afternoon we drove to see the specialist who referred me for the Cardiac angiogram. He is pleased with everything and was happy for me to fly to Australia once he realised I was going to visit family and not climbing a big rock or something equally silly (or illegal). He said that he knew that the rehab is fully booked until the end of the year, anyway, and I should make an appointment with him as soon as I arrive back in Austria.
The theme for this week's MM is 'Secret Weapon' which I found very intriguing but failed miserably to design a Blip to fit the brief. Usually, I think I am quite good at tying in my Blips with the theme or vice versa but I have drawn a blank this time. However, Australia here we come. Perhaps, my secret weapon is my power of persuasion....
Thanks to Carolina for hosting MM this month 

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