
By MumOf4Wildlings

Today's antic's.

The middle wildling has a cough. This resulted in me being awake from 12-5 am ish!! And then he got up at 5.40!!! He's not unwell with it but I kept him off nursery so I could have the morning at home.

The biggest wildling came home with "jobs" to do for school. He had to work on his a+ i sound's today. He then asked to do some writing so I took the opportunity to do it with him. It gave us one on one time to work on his pencil grip. He can't hold the pencil well at all but with help and encouragement he did a great job. We did 6 letters and he wrote them out underneath..
Hi teacher has gave him different job's to do at home everyday. If she says it's a job then he will do it, but if she said it was homework then probably not. I have no idea what goes on inside his head.

The youngest wildling loved meeting buddy and Holly today. And they sing Christmas song's too.
I shall be glad when bedtime comes. I'm very tired after last night and the lack of sleep. Fingers crossed tonight is a better night. Thanks for all your comments yesterday.

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