
By MumOf4Wildlings


Another busy day with the Wildlings.
The biggest wildling started the day off drawing. This is massive progress for him as he's never been a drawer and hasn't liked anything to do with pencil control. He has always just drew squiggles when in nursery etc. This is the second picture he has drawn in the last few weeks. His spider and he was super pleased with it. And so was I. He is starting to put details into a picture. We need to work on pencil control and I have suggested to his teacher that she starts sending work home that I can do with him. He recognises letter's and some word's but he cannot write his name yet. Just a couple of letters. But we will get there with him. And it's very common with kid's who have ASD. He prefers numbers and technology.

A good day today. Stressful at time's but we spent time as a family. :-)

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