Out on a Limb

With at least 15 magnificent but elderly trees around the Meadows awaiting their fate before spring, the tree surgeons have started their task.
The chosen trees were ignominiously numbered in red paint and marked with a cut around their trunks many months ago, and now their stay in the condemned cell is nearly over.

Alerted by the whine of a heavy duty saw and the throb of the composting machine reducing the chosen giant to nothing more than a lorry full of sawdust, we made a detour in our constitutional to find this tree surgeon, dangerously high up and hopefully remembering that he must saw off a branch above him!

Now for me to try and remember the contents of the books I read for tonight's book group meeting.
I know I enjoyed The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce, but am struggling to remember the story line in Sarah Thornhill by Kate Grenville.
Oh dear, another 'keeping my head below the parapet' evening in store.

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